Wednesday, February 4, 2009

United Nations Statement: "Hamas stealing from Gaza warehouse"

Armed Hamas policemen broke into a warehouse in Gaza City and confiscated thousands of blankets and hundreds of food packages intended for UNWRA refugees, an official from the relief and human development agency said on Wednesday.

The incident took place on Tuesday after the Ministry of Social Affairs unsuccessfully tried to confiscate food and other UNRWA supplies that were being transported to the organization's storage areas and the agency's staff resisted, said John Ging, UNRWA's operations director in the Gaza Strip.

A few Hamas policemen confiscated 3,500 blankets and more than 400 food packages prepared for distribution from an UNRWA warehouse on Tuesday afternoon, he said.

"They took it under gunpoint," Ging told The Jerusalem Post from the UNRWA headquarters in Gaza City. "My staff had resisted earlier the confiscation of the convoy, as they are absolutely instructed to do…Compliments to them for that, but unfortunately, later, they came and took it by gunpoint."

"We are very upset about this," he said. "This is stealing aid destined for the refugees. We have demanded that it be returned."

The agency has communicated with Hamas officials regarding its demand, but had yet to receive a response from them as of Wednesday afternoon, he said.

He added: "We expect to get the aid back. This aid is for the refugees, not for anybody else, not for any political parties. This aid was donated to us, through us, for the refugees, and we have to have integrity for the aid effort here in Gaza."

Responding to the theft, Welfare and Social Services Minister Isaac Herzog, who overlooks humanitarian aid in the Gaza Strip, said the incident was "further proof that Hamas is continuing to make life miserable for the population of Gaza and will use any means to intensify its suffering."

During Operation Cast Lead, Herzog said in a statement released Wednesday afternoon, "Hamas leaders worried about their own welfare and security while totally neglecting the

He said that Israel would continue to demand that any aid transferred to the Strip be "directed for the welfare of the civilian population only."

In the past month the IDF alleged on several occasions that Hamas has stolen humanitarian assistance designated for Gaza civilians.

An IDF official said the army noticed the trend already during Operation Cast Lead last month when despite the fighting, Israel transferred close to 80 trucks a day to the Strip.

Wednesday marked the first time that the UN admitted that such a theft had occurred.

Nuaf Atar, a Fatah operative captured during the operation, told the Shin Bet (Israel Security Agency) that Hamas government officials "took over" humanitarian aid Israel allowed in to the Gaza Strip and sold it when it was supposed to be distributed for free.

Ging said Wednesday's incident was the first time that Hamas had stolen food or supplies from them and added that he hoped it would be the last.

Ahmad Kurd, the Hamas official in charge of the ministry, did not deny the seizure of the aid Wednesday, charging the UN was giving the aid to local groups with ties to Hamas opponents.

"UNRWA did not do what it said it would do, and began distributing its aid to groups that tie their activities to political activism," Kurd said.

But Hamas spokesman Taher Nunu demanded an apology and said UNRWA was "spreading false news." Ihab Ghussein, a spokesman for the Interior Ministry, said the incident occurred because the UN was "storing the blankets in an area not authorized to be distributed."

Alix de Mauny, a spokeswoman for the European Commission which contributed $626 million to Palestinian in 2008, said "We are very concerned, but this is an isolated incident, we hope. We will react accordingly if this develops beyond an isolated incident."

Tovah Lazaroff and AP contributed to this report.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

great article! Clean tech perseveres in tough economy

Hi fellow bloggers.

I have made a few changes with my contact details over the web in order to help people find me better. Please feel free to contact me any one of the following ways:

David Anthony - Corporate profile

David Anthony on LinkedIN

on Youtube:

If someone wants to contact me with a business idea, please first have a look at our investment criteria section in

David Anthony speaking to a crowd in Seattle WA - USA

Without further ado, give you my latest article:

Clean tech perseveres in tough economy

By Efrain Viscarolasaga

The pre-holiday Fourth Conference on Clean Energy at the Hynes Convention Center is long since over, but the event has traditionally proven to be a litmus test for the local clean energy industry.

Surprisingly, the event maintained at least a slight feeling of optimism for the long-term prospects of the local clean technology community, despite the plunging stock market, tightening financial environment and plummeting price of oil. If nothing else, its success bolstered the industry’s position among the region’s traditional industry heavyweights such as telecom, biotech and finance, and left attendees feeling that the industry has a future beyond next year’s event.

Some notes:

• Stealthy portable battery maker Lilliputian Systems Inc. of Wilmington made an appearance at the conference, with new vice president of business development and marketing Mouli Ramani walking the halls. Though the company had a small presence at the show, its big announcement came from its Wilmington facility, where Massachusetts Gov. Deval Patrick attended an event and helped the company announce the addition of 100 new “green collar” jobs through a planned expansion of its manufacturing plant.

The expansion comes as the company finally put a target date — 2009 — on the release of its portable fuel cell for wireless devices.

For the uninitiated, Lilliputian was founded out of MIT on research developed by Samuel Schaevitz and Aleks Franz, Lilliputian’s co-founders. In 2003 they added CEO Ken Lazarus, and despite raising more than $60 million in funding, the company has remained fairly quiet about its technology.

Over the past few months, a slow stream of information coming out of the company seems to indicate that it has solved the technology issues, and units could be forthcoming as soon as next year.

While such miniature, portable fuel cells have been researched both here and in Asia for years, they have always been “some time away.” If Lilliputian has indeed solved the technology issues, and has a device that can penetrate the $50 billion portable power market, it is no surprise the governor turned out for its expansion announcement.

When you consider the applicability of such power sources on everything from cell phones and music players to GPS units and laptops, 100 new jobs to get them out the door may be just the beginning.

• Two local companies used the conference to announce new funding. Cellulosic ethanol microbe developer SunEthanol Inc. announced its name change to Qteros Inc. and brought in $25 million, while alternative engine technology maker ReGen Power Systems LLC added $5 million to its coffers.

What’s interesting about the two deals is that despite the Chicken Little syndrome that has many in the industry saying no “new money” is coming out of the VC community, both deals included new investors. Qteros’ new investors include Cambridge-based Venrock, New York-based Soros Fund Management LLC and energy giant BP PLC, joining previous investors Battery Ventures,Long River Ventures and Camros Capital.

For ReGen Power Systems, the investment represents the firm’s first private funding, though it previously received $500,000 from the Massachusetts Technology Collaborative. It’s new investors are New York-based 21Ventures LLC and the Quercus Trust.

Despite being held during the heart of one of the worst financial weeks in recent history, the economic outlook of the clean energy sector was positive among attendees of the conference. The financial sections of the event, including the annual “investor pitch” sessions, where budding entrepreneurs pitch their company to potential investors, were among the most-attended sessions of the event.

• The atmosphere was likewise positive at the conference’s job fair, where a handful of companies still hiring people (rather than laying them off) fielded questions from a room packed with potential employees. According to Matthew Richards, the founder and managing director of renewable energy recruiting firm DanePartners, which sponsored the job fair, the abundance of job seekers wasn’t all that surprising, given the economy. The number of companies hiring, however, including Conservation Services Group of Westborough, Satcon Technologies Corp. of Boston, Konarka Technologies Inc. of Lowell, Evergreen Solar Inc. of Marlborough and Second Wind Inc. of Somerville, was encouraging.

Among the areas that were most active, said Richards, were green-collar jobs, those that require hands-on knowledge of technologies, both new and traditional. Sectors most active on the recruitment side included energy efficiency and demand-response companies, as opposed to core technology research companies in the wind, solar or biomass sectors.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Image Gallery of David Anthony of 21Ventures

Hi Roxanne,

Down bellow are a bunch of photos you can use...

I am looking forward to reading the article we've discussed for The New
York Times. As I mentioned on the phone, we are a ventrues capital fund
that focuses mainly on 3 industries, clean technology, security
software and mobile computing. We also have a few other industries that
we invest in as well as PIPEs (Public investment in private equity).
The two companies I wanted to talk to you more about are SonicLynx and
BioPetroClean, both of which are companies that service the existing
oil industry. Feel free to contact me whenever is good for you, you
have my number.


David Anthony

Good pic of David 
press use picture of david anthony

Mr. Anthony speaking in publis, Memphis TN,
fast pitch david anthony

Portrait of David Anthony drawn by Yonatan Frimer 2007
david anthony - portrait

David speaking in seattle, I think.
david anthony speaking

David's logo on the jpost blog
press use picture of david anthony

Nice clean headshot of David Anthony
 head shot of Mr. Anthony

An old logo of 21Ventures, that David Anthony owns...

old logo of david anthony's 21ventures

David in Seattle..
david anthony in seattle

David's Face Book page:
facebook picture of david anthony

Sunday, October 5, 2008

CogniSafe: 21Ventures Seed Funding

October 1,2008 -

21Ventures announces investment in CogniSafe Ltd. - Anti-cheat software provider for online-games

New York, NY and Tel-Aviv, Israel, October 1, 2008 --- 21Ventures, a U.S. based venture capital firm, announced today a seed investment in CogniSafe Ltd. – an Israeli company providing real-time anti-cheat software solution for online games . The funding is earmarked for sales and marketing and ongoing product development. “CogniSafe brings an exciting new approach to solve the cheating problem in online games, a problem which causes significant losses to gaming companies and harms the players ability to enjoy the challenge and adventure of a cheat-free game environment. Just like online banking and commerce services, the online gaming industry is vulnerable to fraud and cheating, but no real time solution has been presented so far to solve the cheating problem. We believe that CogniSafe solution will become the standard in detection and prevention of cheating in online games and we are happy to be among the first to identify CogniSafe potential” said David Anthony, Managing Partner of 21Ventures. The cheating problem in online games causes game providers to remove tens of thousands of paying players every month, due to suspected cheating. The removal is usually done following a complaint from other players, or after a post mortem analysis of player's actions. In addition, a significant number of legitimate players abandon some game titles, and cease paying, when they feel they have been cheated. CogniSafe's solution enables online game providers to detect, in real time, any deviation from proper gaming procedures by the online players, and remove cheaters from participation in the game, thus makes cheating attempts futile and enables other players to continue and enjoy a cheat-free gaming experience. "There is a clear need in the market for a real-time solution that will enable the gaming companies to really understand the magnitude of the cheating phenomena, gather evidence against cheaters, and remove them from the game before they affect the gaming experience for other players ”, said Izik Shimon, CEO of CogniSafe. Izik continues "We are already engaged with several leaders in the online gaming industry, which understand the potential of increasing the integrity of their games and avoiding significant losses, by working with CogniSafe".

Sunday, September 21, 2008

David Anthony of 21Ventures speaking in Memphis 2008

Hey Folks, just wanted to share one of my videos with you, of me speaking in Memphis earlier this year.

You can also watch by clicking on this link - David Anthony Speaking in Memphis